What is Peptide Therapy?
The future of regenerative medicine is here. Peptides are revolutionizing medicine and dramatically changing lives for those seeking longevity and well-being. Peptides are made from amino acids and have many different functions in the body. Some serve to act similar to neurotransmitters, while others serve to increase the production of certain hormones. Many control and influence how our bodies react to diet and physical exercise.
Treatment plans can optimize your body composition, sexual health, and overall well-being. Peptide therapy may offer benefits including but not limited to better sleep, increase in muscle mass, weight loss, increased sex drive, improved mental and neurological health, overall improved mood and a slowed aging process.

How do Peptides work?
Peptides are short-chains of amino acids that are found naturally in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and act as signaling molecules. These particular amino acids are designed to augment specific functions or processes within in the human body.
Therapy with peptides uses those processes already present within the body to regulate and rejuvenate functions, basically, they bind to and tell other cells what to do. Peptides act to replace or mimic the functions of naturally occurring peptides within the body that have diminished with age, are no longer working as effectively or to improve and enhance the ones we currently have.
There are over 7,000 known peptides within the human body. Some of the most important peptides play a role in the function of our immune system, healing and recovery time, cognitive function, aging, weightloss, sleep and many more. Peptide therapy has the capability to revise and enhance body chemistry to promote restoration, biosynthesis and homeostasis.

What Potential Benefits Does Peptide Therapy Offer
Peptides have many potential benefits including healthier joints, weight loss, better body composition through decreased body fat and increased lean muscle mass, improvement of athletic performance, strengthening the immune system, anti-aging benefits and improved sleep. Here is a list of some of the benefits you could receive from peptide therapy.
- Better workouts and recovery
- Improved muscle mass
- Body fat reduction/weight loss
- Improved energy, strength and stamina
- Strengthened immune system
- Increases lean muscle development and growth
- Improved libido
- Accelerated wound healing
- Better hormone regulation
- Boosting natural HGH
- Improved sleep
- Improved cardiovascular function
- Disease prevention
- Improved digestive function
- Improvement in skin elasticity and reduction of aging
If you have any questions, we always recommend that you schedule a consultation to determine if peptide therapy is an option for you. You can call our office at 260-1655 to schedule an appointment to discuss your Wellness Goals.